Kona-ba MCAE

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Visi: Pandangan Jauh ke Masa Depan

Visi adalah titik fokus sejauh mata memandang. Misalnya, perusahaan kopi lokal “Aroma Sejati” memiliki visi menjadi produsen kopi terdepan di Indonesia dengan cita rasa yang unik dan berkelanjutan. Bayangkan aroma kopi segar yang menyebar di pagi hari, sembari Anda membayangkan kesuksesan bisnis ini!

The 8th Constitutional Government remains determined, making every effort and with political will, to accede soon to the World Trade Organization (WTO). To achieve this political commitment, the Interministerial Committee, led by the Minister for the Coordination of Economic Affairs (MCAE), Mr Joaquim Amaral, current Chief Negotiator for Timor-Leste's accession to the WTO, held today, in the Novo Turismo Hotel, a second meeting with the members of the Interministerial Committee, to update

Misi: Aksi Nyata Untuk Mewujudkan Visi

Misi merupakan langkah-langkah konkrit yang ditempuh perusahaan untuk mencapai visi tersebut. Misalnya, “Aroma Sejati” memastikan hanya menggunakan biji kopi berkualitas tertinggi dari petani lokal. Mereka juga berkomitmen untuk mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi lokal dengan memberikan pelatihan tentang pengolahan kopi kepada petani setempat. Dalam setiap tegukan kopi yang Anda nikmati, Anda juga turut berpartisipasi dalam upaya menjalankan misi perusahaan ini!

The 8th Constitutional Government remains determined, making every effort and with political will, to accede soon to the World Trade Organization (WTO). To achieve this political commitment, the Interministerial Committee, led by the Minister for the Coordination of Economic Affairs (MCAE), Mr Joaquim Amaral, current Chief Negotiator for Timor-Leste's accession to the WTO, held today, in the Novo Turismo Hotel, a second meeting with the members of the Interministerial Committee, to update

No.. Nome Gênero Data de Nacimento Residência No. Telp Imagem
1 Isabel Waruily dos Anjos Madeira F None Becora 760
2 mcae1 M 24 de Fevereiro de 1996 Becora 6765

The 8th Constitutional Government remains determined, making every effort and with political will, to accede soon to the World Trade Organization (WTO). To achieve this political commitment, the Interministerial Committee, led by the Minister for the Coordination of Economic Affairs (MCAE), Mr Joaquim Amaral, current Chief Negotiator for Timor-Leste's accession to the WTO, held today, in the Novo Turismo Hotel, a second meeting with the members of the Interministerial Committee, to update them on the work that Timor-Leste has already done to become a member of the World Trade Organization.

The establishment of this Interministerial Committee and its Working Group is based on the order N. 009/PM/III/2020.  This order was amended on June 20th, 2021, with order N. 077/PM/VI/2021, aiming to continue strengthening the working measures in several areas of responsibility, namely in the articulation of policies and legislative measures imposed during the negotiation process of Timor-Leste's accession to the WTO. The accession of Timor-Leste to the World Trade Organization is also part of the national foreign policy goals set out in the 8th Constitutional Government's Programme.

Based on this order, the Members of the Interministerial Committee come from relevant State institutions and Autonomous agencies and have been sharing their ideas, through this Working Group, to draft and prepare the responses to the requirements that are set by the WTO member countries. Until now, the Working Group Team for Timor-Leste's WTO accession continues to make every effort to respond to the requests from WTO member countries regarding Timor-Leste's commitment to becoming a WTO member.

The 8th Constitutional Government remains determined, making every effort and with political will, to accede soon to the World Trade Organization (WTO). To achieve this political commitment, the Interministerial Committee, led by the Minister for the Coordination of Economic Affairs (MCAE), Mr Joaquim Amaral, current Chief Negotiator for Timor-Leste's accession to the WTO, held today, in the Novo Turismo Hotel, a second meeting with the members of the Interministerial Committee, to update